1234567RHEGuggenberger LegionäreREG30100116110Mannheim TornadosMAT0000100142 1234567RHEGuggenberger LegionäreREG30100116110Mannheim TornadosMAT0000100142
Legend Groundout Flyout Bunt out Bunt single 1B Lineout, 2B, 3B HR PA = No. of PA's with pitch data PPA = Pitches per Plate Appearance FPA = First Pitch Action (% of PA's in which the 1st pitch was put in play) SPA = First Strike Action (% of PA's in which the 1st strike was put in play) LDP = Line Drive Percentage PAPPAFPASPALDP Legend Ball Strike FPS = First Pitch Strikes StrikesBallsFPS